Scenery & Sets

We build sets for theater, film, television and advertising. Recreating environments and textures of any type or age. Counting on the carpentry equipment painting and sculpture.
We also have a rental service and installation of racks or washcloths per m2 for production of short duration.


In the field of sculpture we have a very high level professionals who master a wide range of materials and their working techniques.
Developing work in materials such as styrofoam, clay, wood, stone, fiberglass resins, putties etc.. Again focusing on any production or event that requires this service. (Film, TV, corporate image decoration theme parks etc...).

Makeup FX

We do special effects makeup. Getting mold of the actor or model, with alginates do not create skin allergies. We prostheses in different materials, depending on the degree of finish and realism is needed.
We have the most advanced materials on the market today and a very full professional team and coordinated, with sculptors, mold section and reproductions and experienced makeup artists.

Props, models & body parts

We make replics of any object, body part or element that is required by analyzing the details and textures, and hence a piece of dramatic realism. In this area we have a variety of materials that allows us to reach the faithful reproduction of the element.
Polyester resins such as epoxy resin rigid polyurethane foam materials lightened silicones, latex, etc. .. The team of painting, sculpture molds and reproductions, are involved in manufacturing processes.

Special effects

We do special effects. special effects elements, small physical effects such as smoke localized showers vomit etc...


Special props manufacture elements for scenes in film, television, events and everything related to the decoration sector and environment. Creating pieces of different sizes, textures, weights and shapes.